Monday, May 2, 2011


Hello, hello! Oh how I love Spring. On my way to work today, Shotgun Jackson from KBull 93 informed me that this is going to be an amazing week because it's finally going to be in the 70s! It's about time... pretty sure I'm pasty white and ready for some serious rays. No more winter! :)

My CD is finally done! Well, almost.The mixing is now done, just have to fix a few small things and add some orchestration to a few songs. I really really hope someone will sell it so that I can earn back a small portion of the fortune it took to record it! Most of all, I hope that the songs convey the messages and the feelings that they're meant to. How do you put music on a blog? Anyone? I'll put up a few songs from the CD as soon as I know how.

Zach is leaving me on Wednesday! I feel like singing "I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me; I'm all alone, there's no one here to guiii-ide me-e!" All of my wonderful friends are on their way to bigger and definitely better things. AKA missions. I think anyone my age would agree that this is a little bit of an awkward phase of life between everyone leaving, meeting so many new people all the time, and not having a set group of friends to pal around with. I'm learning to really enjoy it, but it's still strange every time another great friend leaves.

I have an interview at Old Navy today! Cross your fingers for me!! I would love to work there, mostly because it would mean Gap and Banana Republic discounts. :) And also just because I am in serious need of a second job. The Neuroscience Center is such a great place to work, but it only gives me about 20 hours/week.

I really am going to do better at taking pictures and actually putting them on my computer, so I'll upload some to the blog shortly. Have a wonderful day!

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