Monday, June 21, 2010

A Little Prelude Music...

I've finally given in... I'm officially a blogger. I'm sure you already know me well if you're reading this, but I figured I'll start with a little Cassie prelude music:

I absolutely love life. There are many many things in this world that make me happy, and very few that bring me down. I have an incredible family... we are all very similar and very close! My parents are two of the most kind and hard-working people I know; I feel so blessed to have been raised by them! Ryan is my 25 year-old brother, with a birthday coming up on Friday! He is my true hero... I have always felt a unique closeness with him. We seem to have a similar understanding and opinion of almost every situation. I can come to him for anything, and his advice has saved me a million times. McCaye is the cutest pregnant lady I've ever seen. :) She and Andy are awaiting the arrival of little Andrew Nash, my first nephew! I'm so excited to see the new family member! McCaye is adventurous and driven. I've always admired her confidence... I remember going on a walk with her when I was little and she waved and said hello to everyone we passed along the way. I wanted to be just like her, so I decided to do the same, and I've smiled and waved to every friend or stranger ever since. :) Kellie is kind and reserved. She's been my partner in so many things over the years: shopping, sonic stops, tanning, draggin' main, cafe rio salads, dances, parties, softball... I could go on forever. She and R.C. are happily married as of February, living close by in Springville. She's one of my very best friends! Chris is the youngest of the clan, although he acts older than most of us. He's going to be a pro soccer player someday, I know it. He's amazing. It's just he and I left at home, and we've grown a lot closer because of it. I love hangin' out with him... he's way funny, witty, smart, and extremely thoughtful.

I'm going to BYU this fall, and I couldn't be more excited! I plan on majoring in Speech-Language Pathology, and eventually mastering in Vocology. It's a long road ahead of me, but I'm ready to start trekking, one step at a time. I'm rooming with a good friend from West Jordan, Ashley Gray, and we're already making our nerdy lists to get everything ready for the adventure. :)

That's all the time I have for today, but there's more to come in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. Cassie Wassie! I am so excited that you have joined the blogging world so that I can more easily keep up with you while our lives follow different paths. :) I love you! Mwah!
