Sunday, June 3, 2012

Home stretch.

Friday, 1 June 2012:

Caroline and I woke up early to visit Camden market. We window shopped quite a bit, then I picked up a few little souvenirs for people. I also bought a case of baby strawberries to snack on. The fruit here is awesome. Maybe it's not really that good... maybe I just really like it because most of it is really small and I like miniatures of things. :) Mini bananas, apples, strawberries, etc. Maybe it just tastes good 'cause it's cute.

I continued the small shopping spree at Lillywhites--a five-story sports store in London just a few tube stops away, then stopped at Poundland on the way back to the flat. We college students have really taken a liking to Poundland.

We attended Comedy of Errors at the Roundhouse Theatre in the evening. It was...... strange. That director made some very very strange choices. He/she somehow played up both the tragedy and the comedy of the play, and although there were some funny moments, it didn't quite work out so well. I think I'll stick to my happy musicals.

Saturday, 2 June 2012:

Because I'm obsessed with Portobello, I had to visit one more time before I left. I slept in for the first time since I've been here (till a whoppin' 8:30), then Caroline and Hadley and I made our way over to the market. I got my favorite frozen yogurt again, and spent more time inside the shops on Portobello Road than usual. I pestered the man at the CD stand for too long, but ended up getting my way so it was well worth it. When I got too cold to keep browsing (the last few days have been rainy and bitter again), I headed home, stopping at Tesco Metro on my way for a whole lot of chocolate. My souvenir suitcase is going to be heavy loaded with all these sweets... hope you've got a sweet tooth, family.

I finally broke down and paid to see Top Hat in the afternoon, and I'm so glad I did. It's an Irving Berlin production with beautiful music and dancing! We sat about six rows back and close to the middle, and it was perfect. Even though the lead's voice wasn't my favorite, and some of the acting was a bit unprofessional, it was more my kind of show than almost anything we've seen and I loved it. I was really wishing that Grandma Tobler could have been there to see it with me, because I think she would have appreciated it more than anyone else. If you happen to be coming to London in the near future, I would recommend it.

I know it's boring, but I don't really have any pictures to include this time. More to come soon!

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