I love summer because I always feel more driven to carry out the things I want to do and work on the habits I want to develop. I guess it's because I actually have a little bit of free time to accomplish my goals, unlike during the school year. This summer I've taken up my old ways of running every day, and I'm actually enjoying it! It's amazing how hard it can be to get back in shape after not exercising for a while... I'm finally learning the value of building back up slowly, rather than jumping into four mile runs right off the bat. I have quite a few goals this summer: I want to get back in shape, develop healthier eating habits, learn to love reading, strengthen my family relationships, improve my guitar and piano playing skills, and several others which I'll keep personal. :) Did I mention the fact that I love summer?
Andy's leaving for Singapore today... he'll be gone until the beginning of August. Poor McCaye. :( Poor Andy! It's been so fun to have them both around for a few days.. they're hilarious, smart, and genuine, and I love spending time with them! We had a big early morning breakfast this morning before he leaves; it was the first time in a long time that we've had everyone together. Except Gunner I guess, he's definitely a part of the family. Unfortunately he's spending the summer in Nashville.
Amity Christine Smyth is my very best friend. :) I'm so thankful to have such great friends as examples and role models! Am and I both love singing, which makes it that much more fun to jam out in the car. We also pleasure in making crazy movies and music videos when have sleepovers, tanning (only for special occasions, of course), making our famous roast beef melts, frazils, and going on double dates. You could say we're joined at the hip. :) Much to our dismay, we won't be able to room together next year, but luckily we'll be at neighboring colleges so I'll still get to see her lovely face often.

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